Stargazer Nutrition & Wellness

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5 Warming Herbs for The Winter

Oh, the weather outside can be frightful but there are ways you can make it more delightful! Add some spices to your meals and drinks to stay warm this winter season. There are several herbs that are known to have a warming effect on the body. Some warming herbs include black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and turmeric.

Black Pepper

Potential Health Benefits - Digestive aid (stimulates digestive enzyme release and stomach acid for improved digestion), pain relief, improves nerve health and antimicrobial. It also improves the function of turmeric.

Cooking Ideas - Add to teas, coffee, baked goods, oatmeal, soups, chili, eggs, or really any recipe!


Potential Health Benefits - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar lowering, antimicrobial and cardio protective.

Cooking Ideas - Add to coffee, teas, baked goods, chili, baked beans, oatmeal, sprinkle on sweet potatoes, apples, yogurt, popcorn, cottage cheese or ricotta cheese.


Potential Health Benefits - Digestive aid (improves movement of food out of stomach and can decrease bloating, improves secretion of stomach acid for better digestion, improves nauseas and indigestion), antioxidant, anti-fungal, tooth aches relief, improves memory and improves circulation (ie cold hands and feet).

Cooking Ideas - Add to teas, baked goods, oatmeal, curries, tomato sauces, meat marinades or sprinkle on squashes, sweet potatoes or baked apples. Mix with honey to make a delicious drizzle.


Potential Health Benefits - digestive aid (reduces gas, stimulates bile release, improves movement of food through the digestive tract), antioxidant, antimicrobial, neuroprotective and cardio protective.

Cooking Ideas - Add it to soups, teas, sipping broths, baked goods, candy or pickle and enjoy by itself.


Potential Health Benefits - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory actions and antiarthritic.

Cooking Ideas - Add to soups, curries, teas, sipping broths, or bake it into muffins and breads. When cooking with turmeric whether it is in a beverage such as turmeric tea or in a curry inspired dish, add some black pepper in to increase the enhance the nutrients available in turmeric.

Have fun playing with these herbs and try adding them to a dish or baked item that you may have not thought to add them to before! Stay warm this winter season and let herbs bring some warmth in!