Stargazer Nutrition & Wellness

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Ready, Set, Sow!

Are you ready to get your gardens started?! Do you think I am crazy for asking this question in February? Good, they you’ll be surprised to hear that now can be a great time to get started! There are a variety of crops that you can start outside now by creating small DIY greenhouses!

What Crops Can I Started Now?

Where I am located currently in the Chicagoland area, growing zone 5b, here are a few crops you can start right now (December - March)! This is not an all-inclusive list, there are many more you can start now.

  • Artichokes

  • Broccoli

  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Cabbage

  • Cauliflower

  • Kale

  • Radishes

  • Spinach

  • Squash

  • Tomatoes

There are several seed catalogs you can purchase seeds from as well as local hardware stores, here are a list of online seed catalogs:

Benefits of Winter Sowing?

For my garden girlies out there, the sooner you can get your hand into dirt, the better! Not only is it fun to begin your garden hobbies after winter, but it can also help the hardiness of your garden crops.

  • Let’s seeds know that growing season is coming!

  • Exposed the seed and seedling to changing temperatures.

  • Enhances the strength and hardiness of crops.

Simple Guide to Winter Sowing

Step 1: Gather Materials

You will need gallon sized jugs, tape, scissors and seeds for this project!

Step 2: Cut the jugs just below the handle; almost all the way around to create a hinge to open and close the gallon jug.

Photo by Katie Fischer, 2024.

Step 3: Fill jug with dirt and plant seeds

Photo by Katie Fischer, 2024 - I used peas in this photo so you could see them.

Step 4: Close and tape jugs shut

Photo by Katie Fischer, 2024.